Are you Ready for Windows 10?

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If you just got used to the tiles on your Windows 8.1. start screen, Microsoft plans to launch Windows 10 are rolling full steam ahead Yahoo Tech reports:
Microsoft will allow you to upgrade from Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows Phone 8 for free to Windows 10. During today’s unveiling of Windows 10 for consumers, Terry Myerson executive vice president of Microsoft’s Operating Systems Group, revealed that the company will allow users of its most recent operating system, Windows 8.1, to upgrade free to its upcoming operating system in perpetuity. The 600-million-odd users of Windows 7 will have a year to take advantage of the full upgrade.
The last time round, Microsoft charged $120 to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8 — one of the possible reasons the vast majority of Windows users declined to make the move.
This marks a significant shift in how Microsoft views Windows, Myerson says. Windows is no longer a static operating system but a constantly evolving service.
“The question of, ‘What version of Windows are you running?’ will no longer be a thing,” Myerson says. “Windows is a service. Users will always be up to date.”
Microsoft says Windows 10 will roll out at the end of 2015.


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